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Products of TheDishAntennaShop are shipped with GLS, DPD or PostNL. When ordered before 16.00 hour and payed, then your order will be processed for delivery -in The Netherlands & Belgium - the next (working) day.

Via a "track & trace"-code, which you will receive per email, you can follow your shipment online.

Shipment to Belgium

It's possible to order as well when you live in Belgium. This can be done DeSchotelShop.nl or via our Belgian website: DeSchotelShop.be.  The same conditions as for The Netherlands, as mentioned above, are appropriate. 

Shipment to other countries

It's possible as well for TheDishAntennaShop to ship to all other countries in Europe. For instance Luxembourg, Germany, Hungaria, UK, Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Sweden. Also other countries are -on special request- possible. It's our goal to deliver to countries as Germany, the UK and France within 48 hours (on working days).

Shipment of larger dish antennas is normally only done in The Netherlands and Belgium. Shipments of large dish antennas to other countries is difficult, because in most cases they are damaged on arrival. Please contact us when you want a larger dish antenna to be shipped to your country and we will do our best for you.